Rob is a highly talented and dedicated Certified Public Accountant with a wealth of experience in business management, information technology, sales, finance, and accounting at the top corporate executive level.
Prior to joining APS, Rob served as CFO at Natural Fiber Welding, Advantage Surveillance, Ascom Americas and MEY Corporation where he contributed to these companies’ growth and expansion in multiple industries. Previously Rob spent 21 years at IBM in sales, supply chain and financial roles after serving four years on active duty in the Army stationed at Ft Campbell (101st Airborne Div).
At Natural Fiber Welding, Rob successfully raised multiple rounds of funding, set up accounting processes and policies, and established a new ERP system. At Advantage Surveillance LLC, he integrated two acquisitions and migrated the company to a new ERP system. At Ascom Americas, Robert served as both President and CFO and implemented new sales organizations, go-to-market strategies, and operation efficiencies that resulted in double-digit revenue growth. At MEY Corporation, he was responsible for reducing overhead expenses, improving financial reporting accuracy, and successfully leading the migration to SAP B1 for all company reporting.