We are proud to announce that the Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command has approved the use of Atmospheric Plasma Solutions, Inc (APS) coating removal system for use on all surface ships, aircraft carriers, and submarines subject to certain limitations. The PlasmaBlast® PB7000M mobile coating removal system provides efficient, safe removal of paint, sealants, adhesives, and other coatings without the use of blast media, excessive heat, or environmentally harmful chemicals. The system effectively removes coatings from metal structures using non-thermal plasma at twice the rate of traditional mechanical methods such as needle guns and wire brushes without the harmful effects of vibration experienced by the operator while significantly reducing the noise exposed to the operator from these methods.
The full press release can be found here: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/640347414/u-s-navy-approves-atmospheric-plasma-solutions-inc-coating-removal-system-for-use-on-ships-carriers-and-submarines